Lil’ Coin – July Tarot Card (Dust II Onyx)

Lil’ Coin – July Tarot Card (Dust II Onyx)

So you ever pull a card (see a pin, hear a song .. really you can insert just about anything here) and feel like it’s *exactly* what you were supposed to see at that exact moment? Yeah, that pretty much sums up my July card. Lil’ Coin … he’s...
Take A Trip Back In Time With Me

Take A Trip Back In Time With Me

I’ll confess I didn’t know what I was going to write after the White Rabbit Trilogy. Or if I was going to write anything at all. I knew I wanted to try my hand at thrillers. I knew I wanted to write roughly a three-book series. But after that I had nothing. I tried to...
NEW! White Rabbit Trilogy Covers!

NEW! White Rabbit Trilogy Covers!

Hey. Smell that? It’s the smell of new shiny, brand spanking new book covers. OK, let me back up a little bit… So when I was launching the White Rabbit Trilogy, I did everything (except the editing … and even then I was tempted) myself. (I can be a...