But look, I’ve never been one to color inside the lines or always do what everyone else was doing.
Plus, I learned early to rely on my own talents, and that even if I didn’t have the particular skill I needed at the moment, I could develop it. I’ve taught myself languages, instruments, taught myself how to knit and crochet, taught myself how to cook and bake, even taught myself to draw (still struggling with that one but making progress).
So book covers? Yeah, I could do that.
I decided that before I launched anything else I wanted to first do these covers over and relaunch them. For one they definitely don’t look like
The main reason I didn’t go with someone else is
So I did what I always do when I need to learn something new. I read some books. Reading is effing fundamental.
After reading the books, I spent a ton of time searching for and narrowing down images. I needed images that weren’t just unique and evocative but also looked good next to one another. I looked at best-selling covers in the genre and saved ones that were effective but not complicated and seemed like they would easy to make my own version of.
Once images were chosen, I played around with various effects and edits before adding the text and trying out different fonts and placements.
After endless iterations and tweaking, I was
For the final test, I looked at my new covers alongside the covers I downloaded to see if they blended in and the quality was comparable.
So here’s what they look like now.
Super professional? Maybe not. But