Signature Words


Signature™ Words is a full-day self-promotion & storytelling experience— —an intensive mash-up of loving advice, laser beam attention, and rapid-fire copywriting.
I bring 15 years of experience in online marketing, plus my writing chops—all the lessons I’ve learned as a sought-after copywriter and bestselling novelist about how to craft language that sizzles and sells—to your business, copy & content.
During this VIP day, you get 6 total hours of strategy, copy reviews, feedback, sparkles & in-depth suggestions on things like:
: Website copy
: Sales pages
: Promotional emails
: Nurture sequences
: Webinars
: Business messaging
: Media pitches
… basically, whatever you need help with that we can squeeze in that time frame! I create tons of content that you can use right away. Things like: blog posts, newsletters, product descriptions, podcast scripts, video scripts, workbooks, a book proposal, a TEDx Talk, emails to pitch clients, whatever you need.
It starts with: A fun conversation where I interview you, gather stories and material, and build a to-do list of everything you want me to create.
It ends with: You, opening your inbox to see… everything you wanted. Finished. Done. Sparkling language. Written in your voice. Delivered to you. Ready to use.
Who is this perfect for?
: Entrepreneurs with an upcoming launch/promotion who need a savvy set of eyes to spot what’s working, what’s not, and how to make your content way more compelling.
: Business owners who feel totally “meh” about their copy & content. Everything feels like a bore. What you really want is to tell an irresistible story!
: Anyone who has gone after an opportunity… a sale!… a media opportunity!… a speaking gig!… and all you hear in return is depressing crickets. Something’s not clicking with your copy. Lemme take a look!
How it goes down…
  1. We’ll meet in the morning over Zoom for 90 minutes to strategize. During our chat, I’ll use my signature “Swirl” method to bubble all of your passion & personality to surface! Swirling your whole personality into your work = more profits and less heartache.
  2. You relax…ahhhh… while I spend the next six hours digging into whatever content you want me to review—providing helpful notes, guidance, sparkles, and comprehensive feedback.
  3. At the end of the day, I’ll provide a summary of everything and we can say a bittersweet goodbye with a surprise treat for you.
  4. After our VIP day, you’ll have access to my brain for an additional 7 days for follow-up questions, cheers & support.
My brain. My writing skills. All yours. All day.
A ridiculous amount of work — finished.
*Full payment is required to book the date.
*There are no refunds for this experience. All of your payments are non-refundable. Please only say yes if it’s a THOUSAND TIMES, YES!

Why work with me?

– I have 15 years of experience as a ghostwriter, copywriter, and content creator — delivering beautiful work, operating on tight deadlines.

– I’ve worked with over 200 clients — small business owners, coaches, consultants, motivational speakers, psychologists, physicians, and more — as well as award-winning marketing and branding agencies.

– I specialize in taking abstract concepts (“empowerment,” “growth,” “transformation,” “health”) and making these ideas feel tangible, real, and exciting. The result: more sales, more sign ups, more opportunities for you!

– I’m an author who has worked with three different publishing houses. I’ve been published in places like The Frisky, Blavity, and The Huffington PostI’ve been mentioned in places like The Village Voice, Time Out New York, and The Anderson Show.

– All of the expertise and professional connections that I have, I share with my clients. Everything in my brain… is all yours.


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