The Saga Continues…
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Read on to find out more about the next two novels in the series.
Black Swan
“I LITERALLY blew through it in a day, it was that captivating.“
–Amazon Reviewer
Roses Have Thorns…
At first look, Tess’ life seems absolutely flawless.
She’s gone from a scrappy little tomboy who grew up on the streets of Brooklyn to a gorgeous and sophisticated Manhattan socialite. She has money, influence, and a devilishly handsome husband who dotes on her.
But, deep down, Tess isn’t happy with any of it, and she quickly discovers that there’s a steep price to pay for her seemingly perfect existence – and that things on the surface are almost never what they seem.
Red Herring
“Desiree‘s words are the essence of noir literature“
– Wilnona Marie, Author of And I Thought Divorce Was Bad
Run And Hide…
Over and over again, the images flashed through Tess’ mind.
The gun in her hand, a man bleeding and writhing in agony on the ground, and her missing mother’s utterly terrified face. Desperate to get far, far away from it all, she fled and eventually nestled into a remote corner on the island of Cuba, convinced that no one would ever come looking for her.
But she was dead wrong about that